Document Management Workflow
Open Bee Digital Platform

Electronic workflows enhance document management

powered by the Open Bee platform

Simplify and accelerate your documents’ approval and handling processes

Suitable for all companies and business activities, the Open Bee’s workflow module enables you to successfully manage your document and business approval processes within your company or organization.

What is a workflow in document management?

A workflow refers to the approval of documents through the accomplishment of tasks by different actors involved in the realization of a business process.

An all-in-one workflow management solution

Integrated into a document management system (DMS), document management workflows streamline routine task completion from document creation and all along their lifecycle up to their archiving or deletion.

Automate your document approvals across your different workgroups

Free yourself from manual and paper-based document management workflows

With digital, you can easily automate approval tasks to smooth document management and so get rid of drawbacks of manual and paper-based workflows that affect internal productivity such as extra-running costs involved, the lack of visibility, and the multiple risks of errors.

3 ways to smooth document approvals with Open Bee workflow engine

Assign tasks on documents, thus easily monitor your daily activities, review the tasks you have assigned to others and act on the ones that have been assigned to you.
Need to validate a document occasionally? No need to call your system administrator, let the online assistant guide you to create on-the-fly workflows to instantly manage all your documents that do not depend on settled approval processes.
For all established processes, leverage linear or conditional workflows to automate business Purchase orders, invoices, or HR documents.

Leverage any workflows to improve your document management in just a few steps

  • Build, in a matter of seconds, linear or conditional approval workflows with a no-code and visual designer.
  • Set electronic notifications, reviews, approval steps
  • Define people involved with the drag/drop mode, but also tasks to complete and associated deadlines.
  • Integrate any document types from all sources: desktop scanner, multi-function device (MFD), email server, business software, Microsoft Office, …
  • Dynamically prompt approval processes depending on your document’s type, file’s location in the DMS, or metadata.
  • Control accesses based on roles assigned to each user, customize what each one can see, and edit
  • Process your pending tasks on the go from anywhere, anytime right from your mobile device or laptop
  • Apply dynamic watermarks, stamps, or electronic signatures on documents
  • As a supervisor, benefit from real-time traceability of each workflow contributor’s task completion for auditing and accountability.
dms software for sales

Boost your productivity thanks to streamlined document management workflows

  • Check in real-time processes’ progression of purchase requests, supplier invoices, sales quotes, leave requests, …
  • Reduce your processing times and associated operating costs,
  • Take advantage of the optimal reactivity provided by approvals’ automation and faster decision-making,
  • Secure your document distribution, validation, and collaboration processes
  • Empower your collaborative agility both inside and outside your organization thanks to our cloud-based technology
  • Cover all the specificities of your business and your work habits with a responsive and fully customizable workflow engine option

A question on our workflow module?

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Document management workflow

What is a workflow in the context of business processes?

A workflow refers to a sequence of tasks involving documents, information, or any kind of data that is processed as part of a business operation. It typically requires the participation of at least two people and often pertains to document approval processes.

Why should a company consider workflow automation?

What are the challenges of manual document approval workflows?

How does a manual workflow for approving a supplier invoice typically look?

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