HR and Accounting departments in the transportation industry
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Accounting and HR departments in the transportation industry

How to reinforce document management?

Your industry has fundamental needs regarding document management. Thanks to nowadays technologies, you are now able to process information electronically (communication, data retention, file archiving, …). Digital transformation is not an option anymore, it is a necessity to reach efficiency and streamline your departments’ tasks. Discover how HR and Accounting departments in the transportation industry reinforce their document management.

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How you lose time, thus money

As an HR or accounting manager, you know how much your teams can waste time filing, communicating, searching for documents in their daily tasks. Also, relying on paper-based processes adds paper consumption, printing, storage space, and postage fees. All of this makes your coworkers lose a lot of time, but not only. Above all it impacts their productivity, thus costs significantly more to your company. In addition, as you must comply with various legal requirements regarding data retention, approvals, and more… manual processes expose you to risks of non-compliance which can result in paying penalties.

Tons of paper documents managed daily

Among all documents that can the transportation sector has to handle every day, HR and accounting departments frequently process:

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Enjoy both tangible and intangible ROI

Foremost the digital transformation of accounting and HR document processes brings you both tangible and intangible returns on investment. Indeed, the savings in terms of costs and time are countless. No more paper-related costs or time-wasting tasks like manual inputs, filing, looking for specific HR/accounting folders, and matching invoices with associated quotes. Overall, it is a real productivity boost for your teams that can manage documents with a minimum of effort wherever they are working from thanks to cloud-based technologies. They will now be able to focus on more added-value tasks, like payment reminders or financial analysis.

The electronic retention of documents also prevents you from paying penalties, related to non-compliance regarding data confidentiality requirements, and minimizes the risk of losing documents. The automation of audit trails also improves the traceability of information, to exactly know who has seen it or modified it.

Finally, it is not only your internal teams that will benefit from this investment. All your business partners, clients, and suppliers will get more satisfaction from your relationship.

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