Automate your accounts payable processes
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Why automate your accounts payable processes?

Automate your accounts payable processes

Don’t forget your potential mistakes and hidden costs

Invoice processing in a company can often create short and long-term bottlenecks, which brings about more important financial costs. Combined with paper use, it also makes data exchanges fragile and mistakable.

Moreover, manual processes typically cause other hidden costs, which can become more and more significant in the long run if you are not taking proactive actions to improve it. Indeed, the lack of visibility and control on process’s progress makes your process slow and inefficient, ending by your suppliers’ dissatisfaction.

Invoice processing automation

Benefits of accounts payable automation

Most nowadays companies are running their digital transformation across their business processes, as it became a must-have those last years. Even more because of the sanitary crisis, your finance department also needs an easy-to-use solution that will automate every phase of their accounts payable processes.

With a multiple-featured document management software designed to enhance your digital transformation, you can enable your accounting co-workers to easily deal with invoice processing and so get rid of day-to-day repetitive tasks, unnecessary costs. Which allows them to better focus on major financial projects and more added value tasks for your company.

7 main benefits you should be aware of

Discover the numerous advantages of implementing accounts payable automation in your organization. By streamlining and automating the processing of vendor invoices, you can unlock significant time and cost savings. With automated systems, you’ll enjoy accurate and efficient invoice processing, easy access to data, real-time monitoring, and enhanced control over your financial operations.

Manual accounts payable processes present significant challenges, including lengthy processing times of 8.6 days per invoice and an average error rate of 3.6%. Relying on manual methods increases the risk of data entry mistakes, document losses, and payment delays. Additionally, manual filing and storage consume space, add ongoing costs, and impede the timely retrieval of invoices.

7 easy tips and tricks to get started with our DMS

Top Advantages of automating your AP invoices processing

Discover the top advantages of automating your AP invoices processing. By implementing automation, you can:

Learn more about the challenges of manual invoice processing and the benefits of automation below.

automation benefits
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