Document management in one application
Triggered by the Open Bee DMS platform
Access your documents anywhere, anytime
Simplify your document management in the field thanks to the Open Bee mobile application.
Your work desk in your pocket
- Search and view all your classified documents in the Open Bee DMS from your phone or tablet iOS, Android, or Windows
- Deal with your pending tasks and document approvals
- Make your delivery and quoting forms signed straight from your mobile device
- Always have your documents’ latest version updated with you: prices, catalogs, manual, …
- Fill your electronic forms and forward them instantly.
Work mobile and gain in agility
- Access your documents with no geographical constraints
- Share in real time any document or picture taken in the field
- Edit and annotate your documents (pictures, PDF, …)
- Start a discussion thread to have your co-worker’s opinion
A question about our mobile application?
With a proven expertise in paperless and workflows operations, we will help you digitizing your document related business processes to gain agility, visibility, scalability and profitability
Our digital solutions help hotels, restaurants streamline their critical business operations by eliminating process bottlenecks created by paper.
You can capture and manage electronic health care records to free up space in your office, improve information access but also help your whole practice run more efficiently
What is the mobile application?
The mobile application is a new application that provides remote access to secure collaborative workspaces. It allows users to access their business documents, share files, and collaborate with others, all from their mobile phones.
How can files be accessed using the Sphere mobile application?
To access files, users can download the Sphere mobile application and log in using their account credentials. By synchronizing their account with the Open Bee Sphere platform, users gain convenient access to all their collaborative workspaces from their mobile devices.
Can documents be shared and collaborated on using the Sphere mobile application?
Indeed, the Sphere mobile application enables the effortless sharing and collaboration of business documents. Users can publish content, create new workspaces, invite collaborators, and effortlessly share files associated with specific projects.
Is the DMS mobile application versatile across different industries?
The DMS mobile application caters to diverse industries. For instance, accounting firms can securely share payroll files with clients to comply with security recommendations. Law firms can create secure spaces to store corporate documents related to client folders, offering convenient access. Medical practices can simplify the management of electronic medical records by creating secure workspaces for each patient, facilitating collaboration and access to relevant medical information. Construction companies can optimize efficiency by allowing field teams to download plans, technical drawings, and specifications onto their mobile devices, facilitating seamless access to necessary information on construction sites.
How does the DMS mobile application enhance work efficiency?
By utilizing the DMS mobile application, users can streamline document approval processes, save time, and enhance overall work efficiency. Tasks can be assigned, and real-time notifications are received, ensuring prompt completion. Additionally, the application promotes effective communication and collaboration among team members, fostering improved work organization.