Town halls & local authorities
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Town halls & local authorities

Facilitate the management of incoming mail and comply with applicable standards!

GDPR Compliance

A paperless office strategy

Town hall and local authority staff manage numerous documents in paper form (incoming mail, supplier invoices, etc.) on a daily basis. Furthermore, current French standards require the digitization of certain processes (e.g. financial processes via the PES v2 protocol).

Find out how Open Bee™ solutions enable you to save time in the management of incoming mail and comply with scan protocols.

Optimize the processing of incoming mail 

Distribute incoming mail to recipient departments and/or relevant staff members in electronic form, using the touchscreen of your multi-function solution.

File them in an organized tree structure made up of folders and sub-folders, according to the tracking number, date of receipt, etc., in the Open Bee™ Portal DMS system.

Maintain traceability of processed mail by dynamically linking the response to the original letter.

dms software for sales

Secured exchanges

Town halls and local authorities have the responsibility to secure their most important and sensitive computer data.

Share information in a simple way

Implement an easy-to-use tool to share your documents between all sites and departments

Reduction of paper document storage

With digital archiving and printing costs, paper reduction and storage are significantly reduced.

A quality public service

Be prepared for the arrival of new scan requirements

Scan and benefit from the latest automatic document recognition technologies for a paperless supplier invoice system.

Integrate your accounting data directly in your business software.

Do away with paper document flows between your accounts department and public authorities.

Documents lifecycle
Educational document management

Facilitate easy information sharing

Implement an easy-to-use tool to share your documents between all sites and departments (general management, childcare, local police, etc.).

Enable all your personnel to find the right information fast.

Provide your elected representatives with remote access to information, from their homes or mobile devices.

Our solution for your department

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